An evaluation of psychotherapy outcomes with the CORE-OM test: A Pilot Study


  • Emilia D'Anna U.O.C. Psicologia Clinica ASL Napoli 1 Centro. Corresponding author:
  • Sara Diamare U.O.C. Psicologia Clinica ASL Napoli 1 Centro
  • Claudio Zullo U.O.C. Psicologia Clinica ASL Napoli 1 Centro


Clinical Psychology, Test, Well-being, Psychotherapy, Good practices


Evaluating the outcomes of a psychotherapeutic intervention is crucial to gain greater clarity about the effectiveness of the treatment and to favour the potential improvement of the tools and methods used. The present study describes the outcomes evaluation of an individual and group psycho-corporeal psychotherapy, using a salutogenesis method applied for the first time in a Clinical Psychology Operating Unit. The evaluation was carried out by the CORE-OM test (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation, CORE), with which it was possible to investigate the evolution and eventual improvement of patients under treatment at the Clinical Psychology Operating Unit of D.S. 33 afferent to ASL Napoli 1 Centro.


doi: 10.53240/2024topic3.045.002


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How to Cite

D’Anna, E., Diamare, S., & Zullo, C. (2024). An evaluation of psychotherapy outcomes with the CORE-OM test: A Pilot Study. TOPIC - Temi Di Psicologia dell’Ordine Degli Psicologi Della Campania, 3(3). Retrieved from