The characterization of cognitive behavioral treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder in childhood and adolescence: a descriptive review


  • Beatrice Coletti Associazione APS MelaVivo, San Giorgio a Cremano, Napoli
  • Salvatore De Costanzo Associazione APS MelaVivo, San Giorgio a Cremano, Napoli
  • Alessia Beracci Dipartimento di Psicologia “Renzo Canestrari”, Università di Bologna, Bologna. Autore responsabile per la corrispondenza:


OCD, Childhood, Adolescence, Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment


Available scientific literature designates two main types of treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in childhood and adolescence: cognitive-behavioral treatment and pharmacological treatment (SSRI). A series of studies have shown that these two treatments, also combined with each other, have a significant effectiveness in terms of reduction of symptoms (from 40 to 65%) and remission of the disorder. Regarding the psychotherapeutic treatment, over the years, it has been possible to find a more precise characterization of various aspects such as the method of administration, duration of the intervention and the involvement of families. The aim of this narrative review is to identify different peculiarities of cognitive-behavioral treatment in children and/or adolescents with OCD developed in the last 10 years (from 2013 to 2023), thus identifying 5 macro-areas in which to include the different specificities of treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be considered the “gold-standard” approach for treatment of OCD in paediatric populations, even in all its different protocols that have developed in recent years.


doi: 10.53240/2024topic1.012.002


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How to Cite

Coletti, B., De Costanzo, S., & Beracci, A. (2024). The characterization of cognitive behavioral treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder in childhood and adolescence: a descriptive review. TOPIC - Temi Di Psicologia dell’Ordine Degli Psicologi Della Campania, 3(1). Retrieved from