With what spectacles do we look at numbers? Considerations on the use and interpretation of measures in psychology


  • Pierluigi Zoccolotti Dipartimento di Psicologia, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italia. Corresponding author: pierluigi.zoccolotti@uniroma1.it
  • Leonardo Carlucci Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. Lettere, Beni Culturali, Scienze della Formazione, Università di Foggia, Italia
  • Marialuisa Martelli Dipartimento di Psicologia, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italia
  • Chiara Valeria Marinelli Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. Lettere, Beni Culturali, Scienze della Formazione, Università di Foggia, Italia


Psychological measurement, Reaction times, Probability, Performance, Diagnostic assessment


Some general considerations about measures in psychology are presented regarding how clinicians and researchers represent them. In identifying the presence of a cognitive disorder through psychometric tests, we make choices regarding the structure of the measure, the statistics that allow us to identify the presence of deviance, and the probability values associated with these statistics. In doing so, we use ways of observing data which have been structured throughout school and university training. Using these “spectacles” (arithmetic, Gaussian and probabilistic) is somewhat necessary because the numbers derived from the tests cannot be interpreted without metric, statistical and probabilistic assumptions.  On the other hand, the tendency to view psychological measures with arithmetic glasses can create problems in understanding the real usability of tests in the case of psychological dimensions. In addition, the choice of which assumption to use from a probabilistic point of view is not indifferent to the result obtained (particularly in identifying pathological performance thresholds). Understanding the nature of the assumptions we use in these contexts can foster a better awareness of the value and limitations of psychometric observations in the assessment of developmental disorders.




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How to Cite

Zoccolotti, P., Carlucci, L., Martelli, M., & Marinelli, C. V. (2024). With what spectacles do we look at numbers? Considerations on the use and interpretation of measures in psychology. TOPIC - Temi Di Psicologia dell’Ordine Degli Psicologi Della Campania, 3(2). Retrieved from https://topic.oprc.it/index.php/topic/article/view/81